Dreams to Reality: Where to Start

Posted by on May 17, 2012 in Blog, Media | Comments Off on Dreams to Reality: Where to Start

Dreams to Reality: Where to Start

 I have never met a person who didn’t have a dream.  Everyone wants something, right?   What is your dream?  How much do you want it?  Do you want it enough to actually do what it takes to get it?  What exactly does it take to get it?  Where do you start?

Not all dreams have to be monumental.  Reaching our little dreams can produce a great deal of satisfaction and can really add up to one incredible journey.  Consistently achieving my little dreams is actually a strategy of mine for reaching larger ones.  Here’s how it looks:

Big dream:  I want to be a catalyst for change that results in the world being more balanced and peaceful by having more women in leadership roles.  I want to live in a world where a woman is not held back from being a respected decision maker because of her gender; a world where girls can dream as big as boys, no matter where they are born. 

Smaller dream:  Travel internationally to places in the world where women have not had opportunities to know they are capable, smart, strong and able to change the rules for themselves and future generations. 

Smaller still dream:  Facilitate locally with groups of women to help them connect to each other, support each other, feel valued and capable to reach their own personal and professional goals.  Help them create action plans, momentum  and achievement of those goals.

Smaller again dream:  Help a woman in my own community feel and embrace her value and step confidently outside of her comfort zone of playing small and feeling her own success.

Smaller again:  Be completely present and tell a young girl that I see her talent and ability clearly in her eyes and that I truly believe in her greatness.

Smallest and most important dream I strive to reach every day:  I give up having to be perfect before I start (again).  I get out of bed and I show up.  I honor myself and am grateful for the opportunity to spend my day chasing my dreams…and reaching them.  This is where I start and without this, nothing else will happen.  So…remember that Big Dream?   It is absolutely within reach as I continue to reach every dream listed underneath it consistently, passionately and inclusively (yes, bring others along with you!).  It always starts with the first smallest dream put into action.

 The world is run by those who keep showing up.